I met Josefina Zuleta on a Monday, at the principal square of Potosí. With an elevation of 4000m above sea level and about 175 000 inhabitants, Potosí is one of the highest cities on earth. The Sumaj Orco (rich mountain) towers over the city as a silent reminder of it’s history characterized by enormous wealth and colonial violence and exploitation. Following Eduardo Galeano’s Open Veins of Latin America, it’s said that you could built a bridge from Potosí to Europe with the silver of the Cerro Rico. And a bridge backwards with the bones of the people who died inside the mountain.

Potosí is furthermore known as a city with a strong Civic Committee. Before nationwide protests and strikes took place in the course of the General Election of 20th October 2019, Potosí was already in a general strike since 7th of October. Reason for that were resistances against a contract between the Bolivian national lithium corporation (YLB) and the German company ACI Systems in order to exploit the lithium reserves in the Salar de Uyuni. Some criticized points were for example the contract’s period of 70 years or the little amount of 2% royalties for Potosí.
“Natural resources are very important for us. For health, education and development. Lithium is our hope. And our dream is being autonomous with lithium.”
Josefinas fight for Potosí’s share took her up to the presidency palace in La Paz. Her rather timid and cautious appearance didn’t announce the stories of her personal struggles and fights which she told me later. We greeted each other and went to a café just around the corner. While I was setting up my camera I introduced myself and my project. After an initial hesitancy she told me her story of resistance and fights, which deeply impressed me:
Media and cultural studies scholar with a passion for postcolonial theories, situated encounters and narratives. Visualizing different lines of connection with the film project "Lithium Stories".
Estudios culturales y de los medios de comunicación, apasionada de las teorías poscoloniales, los encuentros y las narrativas situadas. Visualización de diferentes líneas de conexión con el proyecto cinematográfico "Lithium Stories".
Medien- und Kulturwissenschaftlerin mit einer Leidenschaft für postkoloniale Theorien, verorteten Begegnungen und Erzählungen. Visualisierung verschiedener Verbindungslinien mit dem Filmprojekt „Lithium Stories“.